Utility Tax Exempt

Nexus Energy Group Ltd. helps qualifying companies to avoid paying sales taxes on electricity and natural gas purchases.

We can also recover past sales tax dollars that you have paid.

Many states have tax laws that allow qualified Commercial and Industrial businesses to claim an exemption or reduction of otherwise applicable sales tax paid for utilities. We can perform an engineering study that will show that your utility end use is for a tax-exempt purpose, and obtain an exemption from paying state sales tax. We document your facility operations during the study, demonstrating the allocation of energy in your facility. We validate and support this study with our staff of engineering and accounting professionals.

Nexus Energy Group Ltd. eliminates the documentation liability for your organization. We provide the required report and paperwork to remove this tax burden and recover back taxes already paid. In addition, this exemption/reduction continues to apply going forward.

The study cost can be paid as a percentage of the recovered sales tax, or as a flat fee. It is a no cost service for small business. Also, if we find that your facility does not qualify for an exemption or reduction, there is absolutely no cost to your company. Recovered sales tax comes directly to your company.

Our qualified and thorough staff assumes all engineering and accounting workload. We only ask that you provide the necessary information that will allow us to prepare the required documentation. Our fee is based on our performance. We are only compensated when we are able to obtain a tax exemption or recovery at your location.

The next step is to contact us today to determine if your facility qualifies for a sales tax exemption, by phone or email.